4 Ways to Make the Most of Your School’s Communication Channels

In a time when there are countless sources for stakeholders to access information from, it’s more important than ever to make sure your key messages are disseminated through as many communication channels as possible. At Engaging Education, our team is on hand to advise and create attention-grabbing content across all platforms.


Your website is one of the first places stakeholders will look to find important information and better understand your organisation. Keeping your ‘news’ section up to date is a quick and easy way to show that you value regular communication and keeping your school or Trust’s community informed. Adding eye-catching webpage banners for particularly important news ensures that your audience (including students and parents) doesn’t miss a thing.

Our team of creatives ensure our partners’ websites are user-friendly, attractive, informative and – most importantly – regularly updated will essential information.

Find out more:

Social Media

The other main source of information for your stakeholders is your social media channels. To some, keeping Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and/or LinkedIn updated and professional may be an afterthought. However, any successful organisation will tell you that a carefully curated feed full of well-planned campaigns is essential to keeping up a good community perception and communicating key messages in a quick, engaging way.

At Engaging Education, our experts in digital marketing, graphic design, media and copy work with our partners to ensure their social media feeds are full of engaging and informative content.

Find out more:


Printed Materials

Even though a lot of information can be found online nowadays, there’s still a place for printed materials in strong communication strategies. This is especially true when communicating with parents. An attractive flyer or leaflet sent straight to their door can cut through the noise of online communication pieces.

Members of our Design Team are experts in creating attention-grabbing booklets, leaflets, postcards and flyers with bold messaging and dynamic photography.


Northallerton School's 'Good' Ofsted printed leaflet


Wider Community

The channels we’ve mentioned so far are all fantastic for communicating with audiences already engaged with your school or Trust, i.e. parents, students and staff. But how can you communicate with the wider community? We recommend the simple and traditional: good, old-fashioned press releases and outdoor banners. There’s a lot to be said for using the press and your physical location to your advantage to provide a steady stream of positive news into your local community and beyond.

Our team is full of experts in creating and distributing these materials to create a real impact for our partners.


Northallerton School's 'Good' Ofsted outdoor banner


At Engaging Education, we pride ourselves on our expertise in effective marketing and communication within the education sector and beyond.  

Contact us to find out more about how we can support your organisation. 

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